
Identifiers are used to identify or name objects like tables, columns, schemas, and indexes.

There are two kinds of identifiers, regular and delimited.

Regular identifiers are:

Delimited identifiers are:

Use a delimited identifier if your object:




Incorrect Indetifier

Correct Identifier


create view table as select


from information_schema.tables

where table_schema=USER;

create view "table" as select


from information_schema.tables

where table_schema=USER;

Table is a keyword and can not be used as a regular identifier. If it is used as a delimited identifier, it can specify a view name.  


select col1-1 from tab1;

select "col1-1" from tab1;

col1-1 is a numeric operation in select list and can not be used as a regular identifier.  If it is used as a delimited identifier, it can specify a column name.



CONNX can handle identifiers of up to 128 characters.