Internet Technology Training with CONNX
Session Overview: GartnerGroup asked, "What technology advances and changes will have the most significant impact on IT?" The #1 CIO Priority for 1999-2003 is Extranet, Intranet, and Internet technologies. Today, traditional organizations are struggling to find a practical, business reason to utilize Internet technologies, while other ".com" organizations depend on it's speculative future for their survival.
Regardless of where your organization is in its justification for utilizing the infrastructure and reach of the Internet, CONNX and it's core feature of making data available is definitely Internet-ready. This session will provide you with a better understanding of Internet delivery strategies and how CONNX integrates with your current technologies to utilize Internet technologies.
Who Should Attend?: CIOs and IT Managers who are evaluating how to leverage their current technical infrastructure investments to become Internet-compatible, while providing real business benefits.
Power Users and Business Technologists who are currently delivering information to the enterprise that could better utilize CONNX and Internet technologies.
Methodologies: This session can be held in a boardroom or informal one-on-one forum. In either case, attendee participation or interaction is heartily encouraged. Training materials and instruction will be provided to each attendee for review during and following the session.
Skills You Will Acquire by Completing this Session
Upon completion of this session, you will have learned, practiced, and assimilated the following topics:
- The variations of Internet technologies such as Internets, Intranets, and Extranets.
- Why most current technical infrastructures don't support a reliable, scalable, Internet delivery strategy.
- The capabilities and strengths of CONNX to utilize Internet technologies while preserving the current technical infrastructure.